Saturday, December 29, 2007

Be very silly!

One of the best things about being a kid is the lack of embarassment, self-awareness, or whatever you want to call it. Kids think they are the best at everything...dancing, singing, drawing. I can't ever remember a time when I didn't judge myself! I really wanted Benson to carry the self-esteem gene into his teenaged years.

One of his favourite TV shows...Bo on the Go. Bo is this little blue-haired girl that demands that the viewer to power up Bo by running, jumping, spinning your hands, etc. Benson is totally into it, until he sees me watching him, or sitting beside him participating... Then he says, "No mommy!" and gets embarassed. He's only TWO! How can he possibly be self-conscious?! It breaks my heart a little bit, because I never want him to feel embarassed or anything. I'm not sure why participating in this TV show invokes the same reaction as when I catch him pooping in his pants?!

So far, my solution has been to up the silliness factor in the house...running, dancing, and acting goofy. We are pretty silly up in the Robbins crib anyway, but I really, really want to celebrate my B's giant personality and I never want him to feel like he can't be himself.

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