Sunday, May 13, 2007

If changing names is so wonderful, why don't our husbands do it too?

Christy Clark » If changing names is so wonderful, why don’t our husbands do it too?

Christy was dead on in her column today. I always thought I'd keep my name when I got married, just like most of the marrieds I knew who were 5-10 years older. After all, being a Jennifer, I was basically defined by my last name, which is way less common than the 70s favourite that is my first.

When our parents generation got married, most of them only carried their maiden name for about 20 years, so they didn't get all that attached to it, I guess. Somehow those extra 5 years really made me reluctant to give it up.

But in getting married I dreamed of becoming a cohesive unit....the Robbins family...Mrs. Robbins...Mrs. William Robbins...etc...etc. And in the end it just seemed more harmonious to be The Robbins(es? I have never quite figured it out...). Since we planned to fill up the house with kids, I didn't want to be left out with a different name.

All in all, it just felt right...and more become Team Robbins. As for him taking my name, well he just has the better name...and I wanted it. (Anyone who knows my ultra-conservative husband would probably guess how that would go down, anyway...)

BTW, I was so happy to have a more "common" name. Raywood is not all that common and is always somehow butchered (usually becomes Raymond.) Of course everyone's names get screwed up anyway...who would have thought Robbins would be so difficult. I'm back to simply spelling my name whenever I have to give it out. ("It's Robbins R-O-B-B-I-N-S")

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